Insights from Tank Stream Labs’ CEO

We had the privilege of interviewing Bradley Delamare, CEO of Tank Stream Labs (TSL), a technology-focused coworking space that nurtures startups and scale-ups. In our conversation, we discussed how branding can propel startups into scale-ups and the crucial role timing plays in rebranding. 

In Brad’s own words

“a Powerful Brand is one that connects with its customers”. Brad’s view is that Branding is instrumental in helping a business attract customers by differentiating from competitors: ”Nine times out of 10, there's going to be competition for your business. And so branding is very, very important to help you differentiate from your competitors. And I think that is sometimes overlooked by businesses because funders are so focused on the internal part of the business, technology or the operations, or the team.”

TSL’s CEO says.

When discussing TSL customers' successful brand stories with Brad, we asked if he could pinpoint what separates those that stand out. Brad highlighted that the difference lies in TIMING.

“It is all about the moment that the business focuses on the branding, when leaders neglect the need to rebrand, every business needs to keep on top of that (customer changing needs) and brand. Is really important as part of that process and I've seen businesses have been very successful where they've rebranded at the right time.” 

Brad went beyond our original question and shared how timing was essential in their own business rebranding, which coincided (not accidentally) with their 10-year anniversary coming out of COVID and when their services expanded to fulfil the ever-evolving needs of their customers.

The rebranding exercise for TSL concluded with a more modern-looking and dynamic logo that better expressed and communicated what the business is all about. But it didn’t stop there. Brad explained how the rebranding helped the team at TSL refocus on what they do, how they work and even evolve their business model: The rebrand “helped us as the team, better understand what our business is about and what we're trying to achieve. So, our values, our mission, and the team are now more aligned, as the whole team we're engaged in the (rebranding) process. So everyone had their say everyone and was involved in all of the discussions, which was brilliant because they could all be part of it.”


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